

Сайт дистрибутива, Быстрый старт, Как установить Armbian на внутреннюю память (EMMC)

# Настроить Wi-fi
# Настроить локаль
dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
# Timezone
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Учётка по умолчанию:

Orange Pi One: https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-one/, качать Armbian Noble (CLI)



RPi-Monitor, cсылка для просмотра в браузере: http://address:8888.

# Остановить сервис
systemctl stop rpimonitor


armbianmonitor -r # установка
armbianmonitor -b # switches between verbose and normal boot
armbianmonitor -c # /path/to/test performs disk health/performance tests
armbianmonitor -d # tries to upload debug disk info to improve armbianmonitor
armbianmonitor -m # provides simple CLI monitoring
armbianmonitor -p # tries to install cpuminer for performance measurements
armbianmonitor -r # tries to install RPi-Monitor
armbianmonitor -u # tries to upload armhwinfo.log for support purposes

h3consumption - регулировка энергопотребления

Входит в дистрибутив для процессоров H3.

# Вывести справку
h3consumption -H
# Исходные показатели
h3consumption -p
# Примерный вывод:
# cpu       640 mhz allowed, 1296 mhz possible, 4 cores active
# dram      624 mhz
# hdmi/gpu  active
# usb ports active
# eth0      100Mb/s/Full, Link: yes
# wlan0     unassociated
# Выключить HDMI, проц до 1008 ГГц, оставить 2 ядра, память до 408 МГц ===
h3consumption -g off -m 1008 -c 2 -d 408

Добавить поддержку exFAT

sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils

The exfat-utils package also contains a “mkfs.exfat” command. You can use this command to format partitions with the exFAT file system from Linux, if you like.

How to Mount and Use an exFAT Drive on Linux

Добавить внешнюю SDCard

# вывести список дисков
fdisk -l
# подключить нужный
fdisk /dev/mmcblk1

Сделать разделы (опция n), по окончании записать изменения (опция w).

Cоздать файловую систему ext4 на нужном разделе

mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk1p1


# сделать папку для монтирования
mkdir /media/sdcard
# смонтировать раздел в созданный каталог
mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /media/sdcard

Прописать раздел в файл fstab, если раздел нужно всё время держать смонтированным

nano /etc/fstab

Пример конфигурации:

# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
  /dev/sda1     /media/usb8gb   ext4    rw              0       0

Безопасное извлечение USB-дисков

# Установить udisks2:
apt-get install udisks2
# После размонтирования диска (umount), безопасно извлечь диск:
udisksctl power-off -b /dev/sdb

Резервное копирование

Typically you want to take a backup of a root filesystem that is not live. That means either booting from other media or moving the media for the root filesystem to some other computer. And then copy the not-live root filesystem. Either using rsync or using disk imaging.

But often a full backup is not needed. All that is needed may be to backup the configuration and be able to restore it. Often that means just /etc.

There are desktop tools to backup live root filesystems, and restore them, that greatly reduce the need for a full system backup. Timeshift is one example. I run it on my Ubuntu laptop. You run Timeshift before an upgrade to make a new snapshot of the root filesystem. If something goes wrong you can use Timeshift to revert back and reboot to the state of the system from before the upgrade. Timeshift is mainly based on rsync, but also uses some «tricks» to more fully be able to restore things like /boot and mbr.

I would welcome the addition of a similar functionality to armbian-config. To be able to update system snapshots and to restore them at will.


Дополнительно: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/1331-armbian-sd-card-backup/

i3 window manager

Один из легковесных вариантов оболочки.

https://i3wm.org/ | https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6km4tYTwfwA

Решение проблем

Synaptic - unable to lock download directory

При попытке обновить пакеты

E: Could not open lock file /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (2: No such file or directory)
E: Could not open file descriptor -1
E: Unable to lock the download directory


sudo mkdir -p /var/cache/apt/archives/partial
sudo touch /var/cache/apt/archives/lock
sudo chmod 640 /var/cache/apt/archives/lock