Конвертер BIN → WAV (
bkbin2wav -i <binfile> [-a] [-o <wavfile>] [-n <name>] [-s addr] [-t] Command line options: -h Print help -f Use file size instead of .BIN header size field value -a Amplify the audio signal in the result WAV file -i <file> The BIN file to be converted -o <file> The Result WAV file (by default the BIN file name with WAV extension) -n <name> The Name of the file in the TAP header (must be less or equals 16 chars) -s <addr> The Start address for the TAP header (by default the start address from the BIN will be used) -t Use the double frequency "turbo" mode $conv = 'C:\temp\bkbin2wav-windows-amd64.exe' cd C:\temp & $conv -f -a -t -i "~\Downloads\bin\KLAD.bin" -o "klad.wav"
etc/bk0010.txt · Последнее изменение: 19.01.2025 21:33 — viacheslav