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Бесплатный аналог Майнкрафта



Simple Skins - выбор скинов игры.

  • [path]\mods\simple_skins\meta - файлы с описаниями
  • [path]\mods\simple_skins\textures - текстуры

Сайт со скинами: https://www.minecraftskins.com/
Конвертер под Майнтест: http://minetest.tv/skin-converter.php

Вроде бы есть другой способ:

  1. rename it to character
  2. put it into your textures map

Ориентирование на карте

Coordinates are expressed like this: (5, 45, -12)

This refers to the position where X=5, Y=45 and Z=-12. The 3 letters are called “axes”: Y is for the height. X and Z are for the horizontal position.

The values for X, Y and Z work like this:

  • If you go up, Y increases
  • If you go down, Y decreases
  • If you follow the sun, X increases
  • If you go to the reverse direction, X decreases
  • Look to the sun's direction, then turn 90° to the right and go forwards: Z increases
  • Look to the sun's direction, then turn 90° to the left and go forwards: Z decreases
  • The side length of a full cube is 1

The easiest way to view your coordinates is by using the debug screen (open with F5). This may be considered cheating in some games (you decide).


Генератор карты мира


# подразумевается, что Minetestmapper - подпапка в каталоге игры
cd "$env:userprofile\Games\minetest-5.0.1-win64\minetestmapper"
dir "..\worlds" -Directory |% {
& .\minetestmapper.exe `
-i "$($_.fullname)" `
-o "..\$($_.name).png" `
--drawplayers --zoom 2
etc/minetest.txt · Последнее изменение: 30.07.2024 19:21 —

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